Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Paddy’s Day Massacre - Brought to you by the Church of Self Sufficiency

The New Brunswick government delivered the budget today.

Massacre may be an understatement.

Here is the rundown:
Runaway Deficits
Hundreds of Civil Servants Fired
Higher Unemployment
Higher Debt

The 3/4 of a billion dollars in overspending is nothing more than Deferred Taxation. We are presently unsure to whom we are deferring it, but some possibilities include our kids, our grandkids, the rich, the poor, the middle class, our neighbours and friends. Pick who you think it will be.

This budget will go down in history as the worst budget this province has ever seen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! This is a horrible budget that offers no long term vision. Only short term tax breaks paid for from borrowing money.
