Friday, October 23, 2009

Not in Anybody's Interest?

A bombshell rumour is circulating in the Provincial Capital that the Graham Liberals have been working on a secret deal to sell NB Power to Quebec.

Given the Graham track record on management and negotiating skills, the power generated from the collective shiver running down our spines could probably light up the City of Bathurst for a week.

These guys could not get a lower pay increase with New Brunswick doctors after 10 months of negotiations, threats of law suits, and passing legislation to give them all the authority to do whatever they wanted. Why do they think New Brunswickers would even remotely trust them to negotiate with the sharp dealers at Hydro Quebec?

In response to the rumours, the Premier's press flak said "it's not in anybody's interest to talk about a possible outcome" of their conversations with Quebec.

Hey, Buddy, every New Brunswicker is a share holder of NB Power Inc - therefore it is precisely in everybody's interest to talk about possible outcomes.

More to come . . .

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